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Roofing FAQs

There are a variety of factors that can lead to your roof deteriorating sooner than its lifespan warrants, including storm damage, ice dams, mold, moss, and algae. If your shingles are visibly curling, or even falling off of your roof, it is time to replace your roof!

The age of the roof is a huge factor in deciding whether to repair or replace your roof, because roofs have an expected life span, depending on the material and manufacturer. Most roofs last 10 to 15 years, or longer. If yours is only a few years old, it might make sense to just repair the damaged sections. However, as roofs age, they may experience wear and tear that could make them prone to further damage. Repairing a roof is a temporary solution. It won’t necessarily make a roof last longer. The roof’s lifespan will still be limited by the age of the original roof. Even though the current damage may be limited to one or two areas, it may be wiser to replace the whole roof. Otherwise, you could find yourself having to repair regularly until it’s time to replace the roof anyway. It’s also important to note that the older a roof gets, the harder it will be to match the color of the existing shingles. Even if you saved some shingles from the original installation, they might not blend in well. The existing shingles will have weathered some and won’t match the fresh ones right out of the box.

The process of hiring a professional roofer and going through insurance for a roof replacement typically involves the following steps:

  • Contact Lucky Roofing for a free roof inspection.
  • Contact your insurance company: Contact your insurance company to file a claim for the damage. They will send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine if it’s covered by your policy.
  • Complete the work: The roofing contractor will complete the work according to the estimate, making any necessary repairs or replacements.
  • Submit the invoice to the insurance company: Lucky Roofing will submit an invoice to the insurance company. The insurance company will pay Lucky Roofing, minus your deductible.

Lucky Roofing works with a renowned team of public adjusters who have succeeded at turning over an insurance denial quickly.

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